Palazzo et al.

by Wendy Fantl

As first author of our CLL paper, your name and contribution lives on forever. I often think about our days working together at Nodality and I always smile when I think about “Palazzo et al.” because it reminds me of a lovely, smiling, kind, brilliant human being with that winning infectious laugh (I hear you now). Then I think about our work together and what an honor it was for me to have you in my group. I always remember the BD flow course in San Jose where we first met. Yet again I smile because I kept thinking, ‘his person knows more than the instructors and I would love to hire him as I was setting up the research group at Nodality. I never thought for a moment you would accept and move from Texas. Yet you did and you were always such a bright light, always shining, always positive, producing science of the highest quality but above all someone whose immense humanity brightened every day no matter what.

Rest in peace dearest dearest Adam. You have a place in my heart forever.


The Best Fake Brother Ever


Adam, your passion and enthusiasm lives on.